[Lottery applications open July 27, 2022 by 10:00 a.m.] Single Malt Komagatake IPA Cask Finish Bottled in 2022

New Release
New Release
Hombo Shuzokomagatake Distillery

Komagatake IPA Cask Finish has been released since 2020, but it is a whisky that has been popular every time and currently sells for more than twice the list price in advance. It is a limited edition whisky released by Hombo Shuzo, and this one is sure to be a popular one as well. Lottery applications have started on the official website. The period is short, so be sure to apply early.

1. About the lottery application

Lottery applications have started on the official Hombo Brewery website.

Click here for the application page.


Application period: Wednesday, July 27, 10:00 a.m.
Lottery results: Winners will be notified on July 29 (Fri.) to the e-mail address they entered when applying.

2. Single Malt Komagatake IPA Cask Finish Bottled in 2022

Single Malt Komagatake IPA Cask Finish” is a single malt whisky finished in an empty cask of India Pale Ale (IPA), a dark beer brewed at Minami Shinshu Beer Komagatake Brewery using plenty of hops. It has a refreshing citrus-inspired aroma derived from hops, a clear taste of grapefruit and herbs, and a crisp bitter aftertaste, making it a perfect match for a highball.
*This product conforms to the Japan Western Whisky Brewers Association’s “Standards for the Labeling of Japanese Whisky.

Reference: Japanese Whisky|Single Malt Komagatake IPA Cask Finish Bottled in 2022|Honbo Shuzo

Product name

Single Malt Komagatake IPA Cask Finish Bottled in 2022
By Sake Single Malt Japanese Whisky
Ingredients Malt
Cask type Bourbon casks
Number of bottles Limited to 2,700 bottles
Strength 52% (with a minimum of 2,700 bottles)
Price Suggested retail price: 9,460 yen (tax included)
Manufactured at

Mars Shinshu Distillery

Producer Hombo Shuzo Co.

3. About Mars Shinshu Distillery

The Hombo Shuzo Brewery, which had been striving to make “Shochu”, a Japanese distilled spirit, in Kagoshima, obtained a license to produce whisky in 1949. Since then, the company has held on to the dream of “someday making real whisky that takes full advantage of the Japanese climate.”
After several years of whisky production in Kagoshima, in 1960, he established “the Mars Yamanashi Winery”, a factory for wine and whisky production in Yamanashi. Then, in order to engage in whisky production in earnest, he sought an even more ideal location.

The natural conditions for whisky making are very demanding: cold climate with clean air, moderate humidity, and good quality water.
In 1985, after searching for land that met these conditions, Mars Shinshu Distillery was established at an altitude of 798 meters at the foot of Komagatake Mountain in the Central Alps, Nagano Prefecture, in search of the best environment for whisky making.
In 1992, distillation was suspended due to sluggish demand for whisky. Later, as Japanese whisky began to gain worldwide recognition, the distillery decided to resume distilling in 2009, when demand for whisky was on a recovery trend. The company re-started in February 2011.
In September 2020, it was completely renovated for the first time in 35 years. The investment is approximately 1.2 billion yen.

In May 2019, a new whisky distillation building (including a barrel cellar) was built to renovate aging facilities, improve the barrel cellar facilities with a view to increasing whisky production, and provide tours of the whisky making process, as well as a visitor building to sell original whisky and merchandise.
The new whisky distillation building has a total floor area of 1,996m2 (including the barrel cellar, which will hold approximately 2,500 barrels), and the visitor’s building has a floor area of 746m2.
Reference: Hombo Brewery official website

Production capacity: 1.1 tons of malt per day
Production capacity of malt malt: 1.1 t/day
Main facilities: 1 malt crusher, 1 mash tun reuter (saccharification tank) 6KL, 3 stainless steel fermentation tanks 6KL, 3 Douglas fir wooden fermentation tanks (relocated) 6KL, first distillation kettle (relocated)

4. Single Malt Komagatake IPA Cask Finish Products Released in the Past
