[Review] Single Malt Kanosuke Distillery Limited Edition Bottle #002

Revue des whiskies
Revue des whiskies
Kanosuke Distillery

Established in 1881, Komasa Shuzo is a shochu maker with a long history. Its representative brand is Mellow Kozuru, a barrel-aged rice shochu with a unique sweetness. The company applies its expertise in barrel aging and rice shochu making to whisky and craft gin.

The Single Malt Kanosuke Distillery Limited Edition Bottle is a single malt that offers a completely different character depending on the combination of barrels and aging period. Like #001, it is hand-numbered.

This time, #002 is made from non-peated barleywine distilled in Kanosuke Distillery’s unique three-pot still and aged for about 1.5 years in bourbon barrels and 2 years in Calvados barrels. Limited edition of 1,099 bottles.


1. Manufacturer

Komasa Brewing Company

Establishment 1883 (16th year of Meiji)
Head office 3309 Hiki, Hiyoshi-cho, Hioki-shi, Kagoshima 899-3101, Japan
Owned distillery Kannosuke distillery

2. Distillery

Kanosuke distillery

Location 845-3 Kannogawa, Hiyoshi-cho, Hioki-shi, Kagoshima 899-2421
Start of operation 2017

The Kanosuke Distillery stands on a site of about 9,000 square meters along Fukiage beach on the west coast of Kagoshima Prefecture.
In addition to the distillation facilities, the U-shaped, two-story main building houses a BAR with a great view and a store selling original goods.
The main features of the distillery are The distillery is equipped with three pot stills (large, medium and small). The main feature of the distillery is that it has two distilleries. The distillery has a capacity of 6,000 liters, 3,000 liters, and 1,600 liters respectively.
In the world, craft distilleries (small-scale distilleries) usually have two units. whisky is usually distilled twice, and by using pot stills with different neck shapes and upper line arm angles during the second distillation (re-distillation), the aroma and flavor of the raw material can be changed more richly.
Fukiage beach, where the distillery stands, is one of the three largest sand dunes in Japan and has been selected as one of the 100 best beaches in Japan. The beach is about 47 km long from north to south, and the strong wind rises from the surface of the sea, and the area around the distillery is covered in white mist from the fine spray from the sea. It is a place with a wide range of temperatures, with hot summers and cold winters, where it is not unusual for the temperature to drop to around 0°C and snow to fall.

Image credit: Kanosuke Distillery Official Facebook

For more information on the Kanosuke Distillery, please see also this article.

嘉之助蒸溜所 | ジャパニーズウイスキーディクショナリー
Japanese Whisky Dictionary

3. Product name and photo

Single Malt Kanosuke Distillery Limited Edition Bottle #002

4. Characteristics

The base of #002 is a 2018 non-peated raw spirit that was made in our original three pot stills.

After maturing in bourbon barrels for about a year and a half, this single malt is aged for two years in Calvados barrels, a distillate made from apples in Normandy, France, before bottling. You can enjoy a well-balanced combination of freshness and depth of flavor.

Reference: Kanosuke Distillery Product Introduction Page

4-1. Tasting Notes

Aroma Vanilla, baked apple, lemongrass, nikki
Taste On the palate, fresh fruitiness and a mild, rich flavor swells.
Aftertaste Spicy, bitter sweetness lingers gently.

4-2. Product Specifications

Alcohol content 55% alcohol by volume
alcohol category Single malt Japanese whisky
Barrel type Bourbon barrels, Calvados barrels, etc.
Contents 200ml
Number of bottles sold 1,099 bottles
Suggested retail price 3,960 yen (tax included)
Release date January 21, 2022

Awards received

No awards have been received at this time.

6. Price

6-1. Manufacturer’s suggested retail price





Product name Single Malt Kanosuke Distillery Limited Bottle #002
Volume 200ml
Suggested retail price Tax included: 3,960 yen

6-2. Resale price on Mercari

Resale price on Mercari The first 15,800 yen I was able to confirm one of the exhibits at (As of February 8, 2022)










6-3. Yahoo Auction Sold Price

We have not been able to confirm the price on Yahoo Auction. (As of February 8, 2022)

6-4. Rakuten, Yahoo Shopping, Amazon

No items are currently available on mail-order sites. (As of February 8, 2022) 6-5.

6-5. Price offered at BAR SHINKAI

BAR SHINKAI, which is operated by this website, is 1 glass, 45ml: 5,280 yen, 30ml: 3,520 yen, 15ml: 1,760 yen We are offering it at

Information about “BAR Shinkai”
Japanese Whisky Dictionary operates three BAR Shingai stores in Minato Ward, Tokyo. In addition to the Japanese whiskeys...

7. Summary

The flavor of Calvados is quite strong. There is a sweetness, sourness, and astringency reminiscent of baked apples and plums.

It tastes as if you are eating an assortment of fruits, mainly apples, but you can also feel the sweetness and bitterness of the malt.

By adding water, you can reduce the astringency and bring out more sweetness. Please enjoy it straight or with a twist of whisky.

Limited edition of 1,099 bottles, 200ml. This is a very rare whisky with a very high level of perfection, so if you have the chance, you must try it.

For more information on other whiskys from the Kanosuke Distillery, please click here.

[clink url=https://jpwhisky.net/kanosuke2021-second-11249/]

[clink url=https://jpwhisky.net/kanosuke2021-6702/]


Enfin : Livres recommandés sur le whisky japonais

Si vous voulez en savoir plus sur le whisky japonais, qui est une tendance mondiale, nous vous recommandons vivement ces livres.

(1). Le whisky japonais, un enseignement pour les affaires

Il s’agit d’un livre écrit par Mamoru Tsuchiya, critique de whisky de renommée mondiale et représentant de l’Institut de recherche sur la culture du whisky, intitulé  » Le whisky japonais comme une culture qui fonctionne pour les affaires « 
Ce livre aborde les bases du whisky, l’introduction du whisky au Japon, la naissance du whisky japonais, les stratégies publicitaires et l’essor du whisky japonais, ainsi que l’essor actuel des distilleries artisanales. C’est un livre qui résume le whisky japonais d’une manière très facile à comprendre.

(2). Le whisky et moi (Masataka Taketsuru)

Masataka Taketsuru, le fondateur de Nikka Whisky, a consacré sa vie à la fabrication du whisky au Japon. Il s’agit d’une version révisée et réimprimée de l’autobiographie d’un homme qui aimait simplement le whisky et parlait de lui. Le livre dépeint de manière vivante l’époque où, jeune homme, il est parti seul en Écosse pour étudier et a surmonté de nombreuses épreuves pour achever le whisky japonais, ainsi que sa compagne, Rita.

(3). Une lettre de défi d’une distillerie de nouvelle génération

Lancement en 2019. Alors que le monde connaît un boom sans précédent du whisky, à quoi pensaient les dirigeants de distilleries artisanales en relevant le défi de fabriquer du whisky ? Ce livre raconte l’histoire de 13 propriétaires de distilleries artisanales, dont Ichiro Akuto de Venture whisky, célèbre pour son malt Ichirose, qui a inspiré la naissance des distilleries artisanales au Japon.

(4). Whiskey Rising

Il s’agit de la version japonaise de Whisky Risng, publié aux États-Unis en 2016, avec un contenu très actualisé. Non seulement il décrit en détail l’histoire du whisky japonais, mais il inclut également des données sur toutes les distilleries du Japon, y compris les distilleries artisanales qui ont été fondées ces dernières années. Le livre comprend également des descriptions des bouteilles légendaires qui sont sorties, ainsi que des informations sur les bars où l’on peut trouver du whisky japonais.


Ryuhei Oishi

né à Hokkaido. Barman au bar Shinkai Toranomon,
A travaillé dans un restaurant à Tokyo et s'est qualifié comme sommelier auprès de l'Association des sommeliers du Japon.
Il s'est intéressé au whisky japonais, qu'il connaissait peu, et a commencé à travailler au bar Shinkai. Elle a rejoint la JWD afin de visiter des distilleries, de parler aux personnes qui fabriquent le whisky et de transmettre leur passion et leurs informations en tant que barmaid.

Ryuhei Oishiをフォローする